Tuesday, January 25, 2011

To Robert Burns

Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796) is a famous Scottish barb and poet. In honor of his birthday Shakespeare Pub hosted a Robert Burns night. Dinner opened up with the Selkirk Grace and soup, followed by the Parade of the Haggis with a pipper and drummer.

I've never had haggis, only seen it on the Travel Channel and on Bizarre Foods. It is a mixture of chopped up heart, lung, and liver mixed with oats, onions, and spices and baked in a sheep's stomach. Doesn't sound appetizing. But really it tasted like a good earthy meat loaf! Served with kale and tatties it just like an American meal.

Dinner also included a scotch whiskey tasting. Which I have yet to develope a palate for. Each scotch that was served had amazing nose to them but I couldn't finish mine. Serve me bourbon any day, but keep me away from scotch. It was fun though and an amazing experience.

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